So today we decided that we would make our move south to the islands and do what we do best, beach bum it. We got up and again I started laughing like crazy and speaking like Adam Sandler saying all sorts of dirty stuff that the Germans may or may not have understood. Chris and I used the Internet and tried to get ahold of our friend Jeanie who is on one of the islands in Southern Thailand that we are trying to meet up with. We talked to a couple travel agents and booked our overnight bus for 9pm tonight.
We then ventured out in hopes of finding authentic Thai breakfast, but speaking almost no Thai and not really knowing what all the crazy looking pots and stews contained, we ended up going in a full circle through the streets looking for a street vendor to meet our unknown hunger. Finally sat down at a old lady's stand and ordered fried rice with who knows what in it. I loaded up on the hot sauce and burnt myself pleasantly on the spicy peppers. Only 40 baht ($1.15) for both of our plates satisfied our hunger.
We then returned to the hostel, packed our stuff and left our bags at the front desk. We then relaxed by the pool for an hour or two and acted like little kids dunking the German girls and being strait silly.
We took an hour or two to update our blog and then i went to the pool while Chris got a massage. After that we hung around the hotel waiting our night bus! Around 630 we checked our facebook only to find out our friend Jeanie had done the same thing as us and booked a night buss here to Bankok and as it would turn out we would both be arriving opposite places at the same time!! Because we wanted to meet up with our friend we cancled our ticket loosing about 10 bucks and had to get a room for the night . So we stay another night awaiting Jeanies arrival in the morning! z out
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