Day 7
Woke up around 9am with everyone laughing about my night time bed jumping in my sleep. It seems that we all switched beds at one point in the night except Shea. I was a little hungover and ready for some food in my belly. We went down and ordered from our new found Thai friends, Sato and family. Met a English couple and they sat down with us and we chatted about our plan for the day and future travels. We then returned to the hotel and booked a boat tour around the city. The river has been channeled into a moat around the city with all sorts of temples along the river bank.
Spent the afternoon just hanging out around the hotel and at 4pm us and about 8 other people from the hostel jump in the back of a truck and are taken down to the river where we get on a very long wooden boat with a makeshift motor out of a Isuzu trooper with a long propeller shaft out the back. It looked very hard to steer but the guy was a pro. The river was full of debris and there were many large cargo ships being dragged through the river by tug boats. We stopped at 3 temples along the way.
One stood out the most to me, it looked like something out of Indiana Jones. Not sure on the history but it was very impressive especially with the sun going down behind the ruins.
I hung out at the front desk area for a while and helped the owner of the hotel fix her website and type English for free iced coffee and free internet the rest of my stay. The rest of the crew was tired and I was not ready to call it a night so I joined some of the other backpackers for some drinks and live music at a bar. The English guy Allen rocked the guitar and we all had a wicked time singing, dancing and drinking. The bar closed around 12, so we hung outside finished our beers and walked back to the hotel. I stopped by Satos resturaunt and treid to have a conversation with his beautiful daughter for a bit until her older brother came home and shoved her inside actually hitting her not hard but forcefully making her go upstairs so I said goodnight.
The rest of the group decided they were not done drinking and while I stayed to chat with Phat, they went to the 711 for beer. I returned to the hotel took a shower to wash away the sticky residue that immeadiatly covers your body as soon as you step outside. I hopped into bed typing my days events and not quite tired yet but stoked in the new connections and cool people I had met that day. It seems that like mindedness of backpackers really brings a common euforia and excitmen to being in a new place and experiencing new things together. Another great day in Thailand, it just gets better every day! Big Z out