Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hal Lo Prison

Day 31

    Shea and I went to see the Hal Lo Prison today where senator John Machain was held prisoner during the Vietnam War. It was very interesting to see the videos and pictures they had which showed the prisoners living like they were at a summer camp. The videos showed them happy playing sports eating a big Christmas dinner as well as receiving gifts, and being returned home in good spirits. It was a lot to take in and seemed to be very biased but how could I really know what it was like. Overall it was a unique experience and very interesting to see.

    We then met up with Jeannie and booked our over night buss ticket down the coast to Hoi An. The bus was supposed to show up at 6pm but didn't show up until after 7 so we were a little ancy to get on our way. Finally we were on the bus and it was terribly uncomfortable for me in a little seat that my legs barley fit in. To make things even worse the bus driver honks his horn every 15 seconds at bikes and cars so that they move out of the way which made sleep impossible. I put on my ipod to drown out the noise and tried to get some sleep. We arrived early in the morning and if you are a big person this is definitely not the way to make the trip and would not recommend it.

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